Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas Party and Graduates!

Here is Alicia's newest blog post she sent!

On Thursday we had our Christmas Party at school. Instead of Porridge, we served each of the 60+ kids a hot meal of Rice and Meat! Since Meat (Beef) is a rare thing for Village Kids to eat here, it is considered a very special food to have and for most of them it is their favorite. We took all of the benches outside and put them in a big circle and they all sat so nicely. The cook’s husband took a bowl of water and a cup around to each kid and helped them wash their hands. Pastor Robert led everyone in a prayer and then we passed out the food in their own little bag. It was so great to see how much they enjoyed their lunch! After they were finished eating, in traditional Ugandan Style, the kids each came over, knelt down and said "thank you". I've never had to say "You're Welcome" that many times in a row before.

Enjoying their lunch!

On the last day of school, some of the parents brought gifts for me. It was so sweet! I was given 10 ears of corn, a pumpkin, 2 pineapple, a bag of ground nuts, 4 yams, 8 sweet potatoes, 2 papayas and 2 sticks of sugar cane (each were 6 ½ feet tall). The parents are so nice and appreciative, and have started to really embrace me into their lives.
At school, 3 months ago they didn’t know my name, and I didn’t know theirs. They were shy and curious about who the new teacher was. And they didn’t understand when I tried to hug them…..
Yesterday we had our Christmas program to end the school year… They now call me Madam Alicia, and after doing the profiles, I am catching on to their names much faster. Even though they know I don’t speak luganda, they have started coming to me with questions, concerns, and when their friends are misbehaving. There is a certain level of trust starting, and yesterday, there were at least 5 kids who gave me hugs after the program was over!
Namuganga Joyce, Me and Naigaga Shabula

Madam Madena getting the Baby class ready to go sing for the parents..

The graduating kids waiting for their diplomas

The teachers and I were so proud of the kids yesterday. We had 27 kids graduate! The top and middle classes sang 2 songs and showed off their writing and drawing talents. Baby class did drawing, and recited the ABC’s and 123’s… then the Baby class surprised the parents by singing a song in English…. “This is the Day”! And the kids’ faces were beaming as their parents were clapping for their performances!
These may seem like small accomplishments to most people. But for these kids and this community, these are BIG steps in leading them to a brighter future…

The Parents

Muhamudu with his dad recieving his diploma and gift from Pastor Richmond Wandera

Kisakye Vaola showing off her writing abilities in English. her word was "tree"

I am so Blessed that God chose me to be part of this school!

I hope that You all have an amazing week. Thank you for praying for us and following me while I am on this Journey. I am blessed to have you all in my life!

Love, Alicia

Painting their hands to make a picture of a Christmas Tree. None of the kids had ever had their hand painted before and they were so Exited!

 Having fun painting!

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