Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hi Guys, It's Nikki giving a little update on Alicia. She posted a few things on facebook the last two days, so I copied them over here to keep you all updated. I got to talk to her for about an hour on Saturday- it was so fun! Miss her already. When we talked the power was out and her laptop and most electronics had run out of battery. She had spent most of Saturday washing her clothes by hand to get ready to head back to the village. She was able to purchase a small propane tank with a burner, and also a large knife so she can cut pinapple and other fresh fruit in the village. I asked her what kind of food she was eating, so I thought I would share. She said she usually eats a banana for breakfast before she walks to the school. Then around 11:00 everyone at the school gets a little bowl of porridge (like watery cream of wheat). She said that for a lot of the kids, this is all they eat all day. Then she doesn't eat again until late at night, and she either cooks rice or noodles or gets food from a roadside stand. One example she gave of food from the stands was a baggie filled with fried potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, and a gravy with liver and beef. I am loving hearing about her new life over there, and sometimes wish I could just be there to experience it with her. Here's a picture she posted yesterday, along with some updates!

The Parents meeting on Wednesday went well. I knew that most parents in that community do not know how to read, but was sad to find out that out of 32 parents, only 9 of them even knew how to write their name... I Pray that God will work through us to not only help the kids, but to help the parents as well!
Sept. 30th

School went well today... Language is going to be a problem for awhile, but right now I've learned a few words in Luganda and am relying a LOT of speaking slow, using hand gestures and body language... I got my ipad up and running for a couple learning apps for the kids and had sooooo much fun watching their faces light up seeing the different pictures, colors, shapes, letters and numbers! Technology is amazing!

Prayer requests: Continued safety in travelling
                              That Alicia's car will sell
                              Good Communication between staff of the school and parents of the kids

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